Thursday, December 30, 2004

2004...What A Year

2004 is closing fast..hell it even went by fast. This year has been full of exciting and emotional events. Lets see, this year we have lost Rick James, ODB, Dimebag Darrell (tragic), Ray Charles-he will always be remembered, Johnny Ramone (who?), Laura Branigan (Gloria...Gloria), Marlon Brando-he has always scared me, Christopher Reeve who wished he was Christopher Walken (thats wrong), and the knig of no respect-Rodney Dangerfield, and not to mention the hereos-our sons and daughter, fathers and brothers who are in harms way as we sit here and enjoy our freedom-Our Troops that have gave the ultimate sacrifice. It has been an interesting year for lying-I am sorry I meant politics, another four years with Bush-considering the choices I think we are better off. Jacko has been in the news alot, finally being brought to justice for being a freak. While we are on the subject-to Mark Peterson you gonna fry buddy.

Music-WOW.Eminem's Mosh kicked ass this year, and so did Greendays American Idiot. Keep it up guys. The movies of 2004 were great as well, I cant wait to see Napoleon Dynamite. The Blogs-Hats off to Brad the host with the most-posts that is. Congrats to Chuck on his promotion, and to Stephanie for having the coolest sister! Hopefully 2005 will be the year that all the nay sayers will get onboard with Stephanie's wonderfull idea for the memorial garden, excellent idea.
2004 is the year that two good friends of ours from Childrens Hospital that Laura and Deborah got to know got new lungs. They both have Cystic Fibrosis and are doing great with their new air bags. Long live George and Jarred!!! This year has also been a very busy year for us as well. In August, thanks to the support of our friends and the community, we were able to start our ambulance service...SouthArk EMS. I would like to giva a big thanks to everyone who has and continues to support us...and to everyone that opposes us for the free publicity.HAHA. Put that in your ass and smoke it! Sorry I had to. Once again thanks everyone, and I hope that 2005 will be even more rewarding to everyone!!!! Happy New Year!


I found this article interesting..............It is about the Bentonville Fire Cheif who was fired partly for a contract that he signed with a fire equipment company for a questionable $50,000.00. Here is the link to the rest of the story.

Sunday, December 26, 2004


Just like clock work Christmas came again this year (approx. one year since the last), and once again I am glad it is over. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the food, gathering with friends, watching Frank Cappra's (misspelled) Its A Wonderful Life, which for me is the highlight of the holiday season. What I do not like is the gotta have more gifts, spend more money than they do. Why cant we go back a few years, sit around with friends and family, drink hot chocolate and egg nog (leaded or unleaded), and just enjoy the season. People put to much emphasis on gifts and such. I can remember when I was really young we would gather up somewhere different every year on Christmas Eve and someone would dress up like Santa, boy I miss that. Now I seldom see any of my family, holidays do not matter to my parents that much, or if they do they don't ever show it. But that is ok. I just hope that I am setting the right example for my children. I want them to feel wanted at my house on Christmas Eve and have some type of tradition for the holidays. Last year we stayed home on Thanksgiving and Christmas, we had our own turkey at our house with no arguing, showing off, or attitude from anyone. Man I enjoyed that. This year with me having to work the holidays just were not the same. A friend of mine asked me, back before we started the ambulance service, do you have any idea what kind of sacrifices you are going to have to make? I did not then, but I do now. Deborah and I work all the time, but the biggest sacrifice was made by our girls, with little complaining I might add. On Christmas Day I had to take a transfer from Pine Bluff back to Monticello, the girls did not complain. Even when we have to change our plans to accommodate work they don't complain. I love those girls....if I had to name someone I thought of as a hero, I would have to say Laura, Hope and Chloe. Laura and Chloe for their strong determination and strength for battleing with their illness and long hospital stays...Courage beyond their years. I have to say Hope for being our rock, the one who holds us together. Hope has more patience and will than anyone I know. She helps me while the other girls are in the hospital and Deborah is driving back and forth between the hospital and work. Hope does all this while reminding Laura or Chloe, whoever is not in the hospital, to take their meds or do their homework while helping me keep the house clean. She does all of this and never complains. Who said heroes have to be cowboys. I am sorry for the rambling but when I started typing it just came out....Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Should have never happened

As you can see from the tire marks on the door Mr. Gordon wanted Dale Jr.'s autograph. Unfortunatly due to the new rules Gordon won this race. The Aarons 499 at Dega this year. But the man in red made a come back later in the year at the same track, the EA Sports 500, the race that cost him 50 points. All because NBC is to lazy to have the 7 second delay on live events and Jr. was excited, with good reason, and said shit. If you ask me that is Bull Shit. Anyway Feb. is just around the corner and I beleive we will see a new side to Jr., new crew cheif and all. Good luck #8!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jrs Autograph Posted by Hello

Moonlighting Clause Changes

Get the full story at Ashley News Observer!!!! that is if Deirde Kelley got it right,she rarely does.

Oh how I love to see what the City of Crossett and their all knowing city attorney comes up with. My question is since the council, Jimmy Launius, and the mayors main concerns are workmans comp, deciding who someone is working for at different times, and a "Buffer Period" before returning to Crossett Fire Department for duty, is what about the city employees who are members of vol. fire departments. These individuals could become injured while fighting a fire then return to work at CFD, (oh, I forgot, that is a gray area according to Mr. Hamilton). What about the "buffer period", these employees could very well be out all night fighting a fire and return to duty at CFD "dragging". So my question is, with the new changes will Crossett employees only be allowed to be members of other fire departments outside Ashley County. Now the workmans comp-the only gray area is in Mr. Hamiltons head. When an employee becomes injured, and hopefully these people have enough sense to realize when they are injured, it is up to them to notify the entity that they are working for at the time of the injury. I sure hope that Leeco Fire hurries up and send that agreement abouth the workmans comp to the city so Jimmy does not have to miss out on selling CFD any more trucks or equipment. But if he does maybe, just maybe, his dad will help him out. What I am referring to is the fact that Ol' Jim's dad sells CFD all of their radio equipment and maintains the equipment (if that is what you call it). I have never seen a conflict of interest in person, but I think that may be what one looks like. My final point is...............WHY in the hell did this become an issue, it never has been until July of this year, I forgot again that is when the County approved our proposal.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Just thought this was funny. Apparently a woman was amusing herself too much and lost her grip. The x-ray shows the rest.

oops Posted by Hello

Monday, December 20, 2004


No matter how hard they tried to stop him he kept on coming. That is why I think we will see that big red chevy Bud machine sitting in the winners circle with the Nextel/Sprint/Summers Eve/Kotex Cup or what ever it will be called, in the near future. JR. had one hell of a year in 04 and I bet 05 will be even better. Even with a total of 50 points deducted he still finished 5th in the series. I was fortunate enough this year, thanks to my beutiful wife, to be sitting in the Tri-Oval Tower at Dega this year for the Aarons 500. I was able to witness not one but two of the best races possible. The sat. Busch Race where Jr. was pushing Truex around the track and to Victory Lane, not only for the race but the season. It was spectacular, Jr.'s hood pins was under Truex's bumper. And then on Sunday with Jr. passing cars like they were sitting still. Once he passed two cars in turns one and two, the first on the outside and the second on the inside (I guess those cross matched tires Harry used worked). All you could hear was cheers, even from Gordon fans. Even though Jr. lost the race it was wonderful. Until everyone starting throwing beer cans on the track. I honestly believe that if you take someone who cant stand NASCAR to one race they will be hooked for good. It is more addictive than heroin. I shall be back to see more races in person, one way or another. I cannot wait for Feb 05-the Daytona 500-the Holy Grail of NASCAR. I surely hope to see that Bud chevy in victory lane, but we will have to see.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

NASCAR goes International

I almost had a stroke when I first read this truly disturbing news. Jonathan Baum who writes for Yahoo Sports wrote the article that almost killed me. Can you believe that NASCAR is going to run a race in Mexico City next year. I believe that this is only the beginning, because if the almighty dollar, or peso or piso, is there NASCAR will go. Come on guys lets get back to the roots. Please do not take offense to this what ever counrty you popped up from but dammitt NASCAR is ours. Lets keep it that way. Lets get NASCAR back to its roots instead of worrying about the bottom line or the profits of the first quarter. Lets give it back to the hard working Americans who bust their asses all week long or for some all year long just to attend one race so they can get close to their favorite driver, and buy a few T shirts. That is what NASCAR was and should be about now. It makes me so mad to see the uppity don't touch the dirty stuff kind of people getting to sing the national anthem or say those most famous words in racing, gentleman Start Your Engines, so use suckie little whinny ass washed up has beens can be on TV again and be able to hear people cheer for use again. Leann Rhymes, Busta Rhymes,and Lenny( my mommie was on the Jefferson) Kravitz can kiss my ass. Let the local talent show winner or the song leader of The Divine Outreach Ministry of God sing the song. Let the local Boy Scout leader give the command. Dammitt give the true Americans back their sport. Big business has already taken our soul and our spirit let us have our NASCAR.
Once again KISS MY ASS!!!!