Sunday, December 19, 2004

NASCAR goes International

I almost had a stroke when I first read this truly disturbing news. Jonathan Baum who writes for Yahoo Sports wrote the article that almost killed me. Can you believe that NASCAR is going to run a race in Mexico City next year. I believe that this is only the beginning, because if the almighty dollar, or peso or piso, is there NASCAR will go. Come on guys lets get back to the roots. Please do not take offense to this what ever counrty you popped up from but dammitt NASCAR is ours. Lets keep it that way. Lets get NASCAR back to its roots instead of worrying about the bottom line or the profits of the first quarter. Lets give it back to the hard working Americans who bust their asses all week long or for some all year long just to attend one race so they can get close to their favorite driver, and buy a few T shirts. That is what NASCAR was and should be about now. It makes me so mad to see the uppity don't touch the dirty stuff kind of people getting to sing the national anthem or say those most famous words in racing, gentleman Start Your Engines, so use suckie little whinny ass washed up has beens can be on TV again and be able to hear people cheer for use again. Leann Rhymes, Busta Rhymes,and Lenny( my mommie was on the Jefferson) Kravitz can kiss my ass. Let the local talent show winner or the song leader of The Divine Outreach Ministry of God sing the song. Let the local Boy Scout leader give the command. Dammitt give the true Americans back their sport. Big business has already taken our soul and our spirit let us have our NASCAR.
Once again KISS MY ASS!!!!


Blogger MRCLEAN said...

Yes Russell you are correct, once again big business squashes the average Joe. Taking our pride and spirit with it.

9:26 PM  

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