still here, just busy.
Sorry for not posting in a while, we have been very busy around here lately. We have been getting our new billing process situated and is going great by the way. We also started teaching a first responder class for the local fire departments, very time consuming getting that ready. And now today we are going to Dermott to help test their EMT class that two of our employees, Heat and Drew have been going to. So hopefully we will have two new EMT's very soon. We are also proud to announce that we have hired a new full time EMT that is about to finish Paramedice school up, so we will have another full time medic soon, glad to have Tim Swan on board. I have also been working on our golf cart that has a stretcher mount on it for use at the World Famous Armidillo Festival and we are going to use it at football games and such to keep from haveing to drive the trucks out on the field. I will post a picture when I have it finished soon. Be sure to come out to the festival to hear Chester and the Wild Dogs, our friend Phillip Austin plays lead guitar for them and I really beleive that it will be a wonderful show to see. They are also planning a mock accident scene at the festival but I do not know if it will come together in time. I promise to get bettter on the posting thing.