My Opinions 1-7-05

Saving the day!

People are always asking us "How could you have those damn Doberman monsters around your kids", well my answer is, look at this picture. I see no monster. I see an expectant mother thanking the man who just saved her life and the life of her children. The back story is that when firefighters arrived at a house fire they found noone at home except a pregnant doberman who could not get of the burning house. The fireman seen in the picture rescued the dog, even though he was not comfortable around these type of dogs, due to the fact that he had never been around one. After they were through fighting the fire the fireman was taking a break when he noticed the dog watching him, she then approached him, as he started petting her, she reached up and gave him kiss. That in My Opinion would be the greatest expression of gratitude you could receive. Now show me the monster. As the bumper sticker I saw read...Ban The Deed, Not The Breed! In my opinion the true monster breed of dogs are those damn Taco Bell dogs, i hate them damn things.
I received this in an email. It makes since to me (which I am a simple person). Gun control freaks look out:
Gun Owners of America....we dont compomise, and you should not either.
If guns kill people, then....
Pencils mizspelll words,
Cars make people drive drunk,
And spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.
I agree!
Anyway, this is My Opinion.
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