Gentelman Start Your Mowers.....

I have always said that if it has an engine, someone will race it sooner or later. This was the coolest thing I have ever seen. The guy was clocked at 32 MPH and he also ran a open class that looked alot like a dragster that was clocked at 41 MPH. He told me before the race on a regular track the open class rig has reached speeds of up to 50-60MPH!!! THe guy on the right has a rear engine Snapper, he would tote the front wheels for about 15 to 20 feet of the track. They race a regular circuit around Magnolia and Camden. I will post more info on the races when I get it. I hope to follow this type of racing a little because it is pretty exciting.
What happened to the funny commercial thing? I was going to click it when I got home... and when I got home it was gone?
I just started a volkswagen jetta forum blog
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